This Pixar's computer-animated story evokes the classic fairy-tale formula of Disney's early hand-drawn gems.

Set in the rugged, emerald wilds of the ancient Scottish Highlands, BRAVE follows a young princess named Merida as she challenges tradition and faces her destiny head on.

A skilled archer and a feisty free spirit, Merida is determined to break free from the patriarchal shackles of her father's kingdom, and causes a stir among the citizens when she participates in a long-established archery contest.

Amidst the ensuing commotion she turns to an eccentric old Wise Woman and is granted a wish that will plunge everyone she holds dear into danger.

With a dark curse unleashed, Merida will have to muster all of her strength and courage to restore harmony to the land.

  • Release Date :
  • 22 Dec 2017
  • Certificate :
  • PG
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