Stardance Animation Festival is an animation festival in London, focusing on different types and genres of high-quality animated films from Asia and Europe, encouraging understanding and communication between people with different cultural background through the art of animation.

Whoever thinks that the countryside is calm and peaceful is mistaken. In it we find especially agitated animals, a Fox that thinks it's a chicken, a rabbit that acts like a stork, and a duck who wants to replace Father Christmas. If you want to take a vacation, keep driving past this place.

  • Director :
  • Patrick Imbert, Benjamin Renner
  • Starring :
  • Céline Ronté, Guillaume Darnault, Damien Witecka, Kamel Abdessadok, Antoine Schoumsky
  • Release Date :
  • 03 Aug 2018
  • Certificate :
  • U
  • Rate This Film :
  • Rating Description :
  • very mild comic violence, threat, brief dangerous behaviour

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