The Quiet Girl, the delicate drama that follows a shy nine-year-old who has been separated from her immediate family and left in the care of two distant relatives for the summer. After sun-dappled days spent milking cows, peeling potatoes, and fetching water from the well, the Initially uncommunicative child soon opens up to her foster parents. Textural and tender, this award-winning film shows that home is where you feel loved.

This film is mostly in the Irish language, although it also contains parts in English.

FILM CLUB films are £1 for members and £8 General Admission. More info at

Find more of our Love Ireland season here.

  • Director :
  • Colm Bairéad
  • Starring :
  • Catherine Clinch, Carrie Crowley, Andrew Bennett, Michael Patric, Kate Nic Chonaonaigh
  • Release Date :
  • 30 Aug 2024
  • Certificate :
  • 12A
  • Rate This Film :
  • Rating Description :
  • infrequent strong language

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