Adam works nightshifts at a motorway service station and lives a small and lonely life. Upon hearing that his estranged father has died, he finds himself in search of answers. Piecing together a complicated image of a man he never knew, Adam starts to become convinced he descends from an alien race. Written and directed by Moin Hussain, Sky Peals is an unconventional sci-fi drama about alienation in modern Britain, with breathtaking cinematography (shot on 35mm film) and a breakthrough lead performance by Faraz Ayub.

  • Director :
  • Moin Hussain
  • Starring :
  • Steve Oram, Claire Rushbrook, Natalie Gavin, Faraz Ayub, Simon Nagra
  • Release Date :
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • Certificate :
  • 12A
  • Rate This Film :
  • Rating Description :
  • unsettling scenes

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