This documentary, co-created by Daniel Satchell and Coral Evans about the beach-cleaning community group Leave No Trace Brighton, has a massive potential for social and ecological impact both nationally and globally. First brainstormed in January 2023, it has taken nearly 2 years to complete.

We are shown how a small passionate community group, using a volunteer-led and multi-organisation partnership approach, can punch above its weight to facilitate significant and lasting change – in this case by clearing up the beaches of Brighton and perhaps more importantly, educating the public about the main drivers of coastal waste and advocating for these destructive practices to cease. Commercial fishing vessels are exposed as one of the main culprits, responsible for a huge amount of rubbish in the form of abandoned nets, as well as devastation to wildlife.

The film is gorgeously edited, featuring an upbeat funky soundtrack (we are in Brighton after all!), great and easy to understand educational graphics, fun and innovative camera techniques, wonderful nature footage, and multiple interviews with locals and other stakeholders to give a holistic picture of the coastal waste problem along the English Channel and its impact on both humans and marine life.

For anyone interested in protecting the future of Britain’s biodiverse coastal waters as well as ensuring clean and safe beaches for future generations of holidaymakers and swimmers, this film is absolutely essential viewing.

Green Screen is a community-led space to discuss environmentally-focused cinema, with expert panels and friendly post-screening discussions. Everyone is welcome to 'continue the conversation' after the film in your cinema's meeting space where you can enjoy a free tea or filter coffee when you bring a keep cup!

  • Director :
  • Dan Satchell, Coral Evans
  • Release Date :
  • 13 Mar 2025
  • Certificate :
  • PG
  • Rate This Film :

