The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai's Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom follows the life of Jimmy Lai — from a 12-year-old child fleeing from the oppression of Maoist revolutionaries, to a simple textile labourer in Hong Kong to then the owner of fashion brand, Giordano, and later, the guardian of freedom of speech and the press in Hong Kong as founder of Apple Daily.

The movie chronicles Jimmy’s story of heroic sacrifice as he marched alongside millions of his fellow Hong Kongers in defence of freedom and democracy which led to his own arrest and imprisonment.

Through his own testimony as well as exclusive interviews with diplomats, citizen activists, scholars, and friends from across the globe, the audience shall see before them a Jimmy Lai who is truly a symbol of the freedom movement.

  • Release Date :
  • 26 Mar 2023
  • Certificate :
  • 12A
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