Alongside free film tickets and great discounts in Picturehouses across the land, your Picturehouse Membership entitles you to a brilliant selection of unmissable discounts and offers with Cinema City Picturehouse's friendly local partners.
The low-down: Bowling House, great food, beer, cocktails and wine with the fun of the lanes.
The discount: 10% discount on bowling, karaoke, food and drink.
The juicy bits: 10% discount on bowling, karaoke, food and drink. To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at the point of purchase. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts or packages. Bowling House reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
7 Dereham Rd, Norwich NR2 4HX | bowlinghouse.co.uk
The low-down: The city's only truly independent new bookshop. Situated in a beautiful three-storey building housing a unique collection of books in a quirky and stylish setting.
The discount: 10% discount for Picturehouse Members.
The juicy bits: To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at the point of purchase. The Book Hive reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
53 London St, Norwich NR2 1HL | thebookhive.co.uk
The low-down: Dynamic Fitness provides Norwich with the best in personal training.
The discount: 15% off all personal training sessions and your first fitness class free.
The juicy bits: 15% off all personal training sessions and your first fitness class free. Dynamic Fitness reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
93 Ber St, Norwich NR1 3EY | getdynamic.co.uk
The low-down: Norwich Arts Centre is a small, independently run, contemporary arts venue that delivers a daily programme of live music, theatre, dance, live art, visual art, literature and comedy.
The discount: Concession price tickets (when available) to Cinema City Members.
The juicy bits: Concession price tickets (when available) to Cinema City Members. To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at the point of purchase. Norwich Arts Centre reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
51 St Benedicts Street, Norwich, NR2 4PG | norwichartscentre.co.uk
The low-down: Norfolk Network is the peer support and knowledge community for progressive business people.
The discount: 10% discount on Norfolk Network membership for Cinema City Members.
The juicy bits: 10% discount on Norfolk Network membership for Cinema City Members. Norfolk Network reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
Office 3.7, 3rd floor, St George's Works, 51 Colegate, Norwich, NR3 1DD | norfolknetwork.com
The low-down: Coccolino specialises in Children's & Baby designer clothes sourced from UK, Sweden, France and Denmark.
The discount: 10% off children's wear at Coccolino.
The juicy bits: 10% off children's wear at Coccolino to Cinema City Members. Coccolino reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
25 Timber Hill, Norwich NR1 3JZ | coccolinonorwich.co.uk
The low-down: Frame Room has always provided a friendly and professional service for all your picture framing needs
The discount: 10% discount on all framing services
The juicy bits: 10% discount on all framing services when Picturehouse membership card is shown at the initial quote. Frame Room reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
Dixon Centre, 157-159 Reepham Road, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5PA 51 | frameroom.co.uk
The low-down: Carlos Method Fitness offers 30-minute training sessions that are safe, varied, challenging and effective. We are suitable for kids (11-17) and adults (18-70+).
The discount: 15% discount on your first block of 15 sessions.
The juicy bits: Discount applied when Picturehouse membership card is shown when booking first block of 15 sessions. Carlos Method Fitness reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
10 Ullswater Drive, Hethersett, NR9 3QD | carlosmethodfitness.com
The low-down: The Alliance Francaise East Anglia is a French Charity that promotes French language and cultures from the French speaking world through events and courses.
The discount: 10% discount on French lessons
The juicy bits: 10% discount on French lessons for children or adults using the code CINENORWICH via the website alliance-cam.co.uk
1 Red Cross Lane, Cambridge, CB2 0QU | alliance-cam.co.uk