Alongside free film tickets and great discounts in Picturehouses across the land, your Picturehouse Membership entitles you to a brilliant selection of unmissable discounts and offers with Hackney Picturehouse's friendly local partners.
The low-down: Located in Hackney Central, independent opticians who offer personalised service, NHS and private eye examinations, lens care and advice on multiple ranges of eye wear.
The discount: Picturehouse Members get a 10% discount on the purchase of complete spectacles.
The juicy bits: 10% discount for Picturehouse Members on purchase of complete spectacles of frames and lenses. To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at point of purchase. Eye London Opticians reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
312 Mare Street, London, E8 1HA | eyelondonopticians.co.uk
The low-down: Contemporary or classic, hair-up or blow-dry, colour or ombre, Radio Hair Salon can transform your look.
The discount: Members get a 10% discount on cuts, styling and colouring.
The juicy bits: Picturehouse Members get 10% off on cuts, styling and colouring. To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at point of purchase. Radio Hair Salon reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
74 Broadway Market, London E8 4QJ | radiohairsalon.com
The low-down: Fit This has worked hard to create a community environment, where you can enjoy a fitness experience in a way that suits you. With tailor-made personal training, classes and more - they're there to give you the results you want!
The discount: Members get the monthly membership for £35 (lower than any other local!)
The juicy bits: Picturehouse Members get the monthly membership for £35. To claim this discount, show your Picturehouse Membership Card at point of purchase. Fit This Hackney reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time.
3 Reading Ln, London E8 1GQ | fit-this.com